
Everyone knows that if we own a pet long enough, no matter how well we care for it, advanced age and/or health problems can become an issue for both the animal and us. When the time comes that we can no longer bear to watch our beloved pet suffer, the decision to humanely end its life must be made. Our shelter faces this painful decision frequently, and while it isn’t easy, we understand and can offer any help you might need.

Under Virginia State Law, only animals in the custody of the shelter can be euthanized by shelter technicians. If the time has come to say goodbye to your pet, and you feel that you cannot afford the services of a veterinarian, you may surrender your pet to the SPCA. If upon evaluation, the SPCA feels that it is in the best interest of your animal to avoid further pain and suffering, and/or it is deemed unadoptable, the SPCA will euthanize your pet.

We regret that we cannot return the deceased pet’s remains, nor their ashes.